The organization shall be known as the New Jersey Federation of Democratic Women (NJFDW).
Section 1: The objectives of this organization shall be to unite women of the New Jersey Democratic Party, to promote the cause of the Democratic Party, to be the guardians of the democratic process, and to encourage full participation of women in every level of the New Jersey Democratic Party structure.
Section 2: It shall be the objective of this organization to be an active, dues paying state chapter of the National Federation of Democratic Women.
Section 1: NJFDW shall be made up of County Chapter members and individuals not represented by a NJFDW County Chapter.
Section 2: A NJFDW County Chapter is defined as a chapter of Democratic Women that follows the objectives of the NJFDW stated above, pays annual dues to NJFDW and is recognized by their County Democratic Party Organization
Section 3: Individual membership shall be granted to those individuals who live in a
county that does not have a NJFDW Chapter and who pay annual dues directly to the NJFDW.
Section 4: Membership dues.
a) Membership dues for both County Chapters and individual members must be paid annually by April 30 to be considered in good standing.
b) Annual dues for County Chapters and individual members are determined by the Executive Board.
Section 5: A County Chapter in good standing is entitled to one (1) vote representing the members of that Chapter. Members of the Executive Board shall have one (1) vote each. Individual members are not entitled to a vote.
Section 1: Officers shall be as follows: President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Communications Director, Treasurer.
Section 2: All officers must be from a County Chapter in good standing with NJFDW.
Section 3: All elected and appointed officers shall be members in good standing and preference will be given to candidates that have been elected officers from their County Chapters.
Section 4:
a) No County Chapter may have more than one (1) NJFDW elected state officer.
b) NJFDW President, First Vice-President and Second Vice-President shall be from different regions (North, Central, South).
1. North region includes Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Morris, Passaic, Sussex, Union, and Warren Counties.
2. Central region includes Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Ocean, and Somerset Counties.
3. South region includes Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester and Salem Counties
c) NJFDW officers shall reflect representation of the entire state of NJ, as much as possible.
d) The Nominating Committee and the Executive Board have discretion in this matter in the event candidates for office representing each region cannot be found.
Section 5: An Elected Executive Board Officer term of office shall be (2) two years in length. Attendance is required at a minimum of FIVE (5) meetings per year.
Section 6: In case of death or resignation of the President, the First Vice President shall immediately assume the office of Presidency for the remainder of the unexpired term.
Section 1: The officers of the NJFDW shall perform the duties together with such duties as shall be prescribed by the Bylaws or the Executive Board including the following responsibilities.
a) President: Shall preside at all State and Executive meetings and will appoint all Chairpersons of committees. The President will fill any vacancies on the Board with the approval of the Executive Board by appointing a member in good standing to fill the vacancy until the end of the term. The President shall plan, invite, and conduct all meetings of the Executive Board. The President shall be granted login access to NJFDW Website, social media, email, Bank, and PayPal accounts. At the end of her term, she will turn over her records to her successor.
b) First Vice-President: Shall assist the President in carrying out her duties and shall conduct any meeting in the absence of the President. She shall fulfill any duties delegated by the President or Executive Board. During any illness of the President, she shall perform the duties of the President. The First Vice President will act as liaison between the Executive Board and committees. At the end of her term, she will turn over her records to her successor.
c) Second Vice-President: Shall assist the President and First Vice-President in carrying out their duties and shall conduct any meeting in the absence of the President and First Vice-President. She shall fulfill any duties delegated by the President and Executive Board. At the end of her term, she will turn over her records to her successor.
d) Recording Secretary: Shall be responsible for recording or having recorded minutes of all meetings of the NJFDW Executive Board and all meetings of the membership. She shall keep a record and attendance list for all meetings. She shall distribute copies of the minutes to all members in a timely manner. At the end of her term, she will turn over her records to her successor.
e) Communications Director: Shall be responsible for handling communications for the New Jersey Federation of Democratic Women. She shall manage and maintain the NJFDW Website and Social Media platforms. She shall keep an updated email list of NJFDW Officers, County Chapter Presidents and members. At the end of her term, she will turn over her records to her successor.
f) Treasurer: Shall be responsible to keep and maintain a Bank Account and Pay Pal Account issued to NJFDW. At each meeting of the Executive board, she will provide an itemized report of monthly receipts and expenses, a copy of which shall be given to the Recording Secretary. She will collect annual dues from all County Chapters and individual members. In coordination with the Membership Committee Chair, she will maintain and update the membership files. At the end of every quarter and fiscal year, she shall be responsible for filing Election Law Enforcement Commission (ELEC) reports and other reports that are required. She shall turn all financial books over to be audited once a fiscal year. At the end of her term, she will turn over her records to her successor.
Section 2: No officer or executive board member shall use her position with the NJFDW in the endorsement of any candidate in a primary election, or on a primary election ballot, or in any non-partisan election.
Section 1: The Executive Board shall consist of the officers, the immediate past President of the NJFDW, County Chapter Presidents, or a Chapter Representative designated by the County Chapter President.
Section 2: The Executive Board shall be the administrative body of the NJFDW and shall have the power and authority to do and perform all functions which the NJFDW itself might perform, consistent with these By Laws.
Section 3: The Executive Board shall meet at such time and place as the President, or the Executive Board may designate.
Section 1: The Board of Trustees shall act as advisors to the Executive Board without term limits.
Section 2: At such time that the NJFDW should find it necessary to dissolve, the Board of Trustees shall oversee this process and designate the distribution of assets.
Section 3: The Board of Trustees shall be composed of the last three immediate past Executive Board members.
All current Trustees as of the date of ratification of these By Laws are grandfathered and may remain until she chooses to step down.
Section 1: The election of ALL officers of the Executive Board shall be held in even numbered years in the month of November. Newly elected officers will assume their duties as of January 1 of the year following the election.
Section 2: The NJFDW President will appoint a Nominating Committee of three (3) members in the month of September of an election year. The Nominating Committee will oversee all aspects of the election, including receiving and sharing candidate information with the Executive Board, Trustees and Chapter members no later than two weeks prior to the November election meeting.
Section 3: The President, the First Vice President and the Second Vice- President will not serve as members of the Nominating Committee. No one on the Nominating Committee can be nominated for the office of President, First Vice President or Second Vice President.
Section 4: NJFDW officers shall be elected by ballot at the designated November election meeting. The candidate receiving the most votes cast shall be declared elected.
Section 1: The Officers and Executive Board members shall meet monthly on a date set by the Executive Board or designated by the President.
Section 2: Special meetings shall be called by the President. Notification of special meetings shall be given to the Officers and Executive Board members at least six (6) days prior to the special meeting.
Section 3: Chapter members in good standing may participate in any meeting but may not vote.
The Fiscal Year shall be from January 1 to December 31 of each year. Annual dues will be due by April 30 of each new year.
The President will fill any vacancies on the Board with the approval of the Executive Board by appointing a member in good standing to fill the vacancy until the end of the term.
Section 1: These By-Laws may be amended by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Board provided that the proposed amendment has been submitted in writing to the Recording Secretary and the President and submitted to the Executive Board members at least one month in advance of the voting meeting.
Section 1: Where the Bylaws are silent, the latest edition of Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern the NJFDW.
Section 2: The President may appoint a Parliamentarian.
Should the NJFDW be dissolved by appropriate action of its membership, the funds and other assets shall be given to the National Federation of Democratic Women.
The Peg Roberts Volunteer Service Award will be presented at an Annual Luncheon. A plaque bearing her name will be hung in the Democratic State Committee office in Trenton, New Jersey. A Selection Committee will be appointed by the President and will consist of the President, one former recipient and one Executive Board member who will make the decision based on the following criteria:
a) Nominee must be a chapter/caucus member in good standing.
b) Nominee must have been active in the party for at least 10 years.
c) Nominee shall not have held federal, state, county or municipal office (except for Democratic County Committee).
d) Nominee has mentored a future generation of Democrats.
e) Nominee must be nominated by her County Chapter with supporting documentation from her County Chair and or elected officials. Each County Chapter President is limited to nominating one (1) person.
The Outstanding Elected Official Recognition is presented to one elected official in each Region of the state: North, Central, and South. The award acknowledges the Recipient’s exceptional service and leadership to further democratic causes and values in New Jersey. A Selection Committee will be appointed by the President and will consist of three County Chapter Presidents representing each region of the state (North, Central, South) who will make the decision based on the following criteria:
a) Nominee must hold or have held an elected office at the Municipal, County, State, or Federal level.
b) Nominee must be a member in good standing of a County Chapter.
c) County Chapter Presidents when possible, should consult with their County Democratic Chair regarding their selection.
The Loretta Weinberg Lifetime Achievement Award is presented to a woman to honor the legacy of Senator Loretta Weinberg. Senator Weinberg served almost 30 years between the New Jersey State Assembly (1992-2005) and the New Jersey State Senate (2005-2021) and to promote camaraderie and good relationships with constituents. A selection committee will be appointed by the President who will make a decision based on the following criteria:
a) Contributes to the people of NJ by serving in an elected capacity.
b) Contributed to major legislation regarding gender issues.
c) Has hada sustainable job performance of over 15 years.
d) Contributed outstanding bills, committee accomplishment, projects and or activities that came to fruition due to her legislation that went above and beyond job descriptions.
Section 4: FORMING A COUNTY CHAPTER – Please additionally refer to the NFDW guidelines.
A County Chapter is formed by the following:
a) Notify the NJFDW President that you are interested in starting a County Chapter.
b) Notify the County Democratic Party Organization that you are starting a NJFDW county chapter. The local party organization is your teammate, and we strongly urge that you work together by supporting each other.
c) Bring together a "Steering Committee" to help organize the chapter.
d) Develop Bylaws. Decide the dollar amount of your chapter dues.
e) Determine when the Steering Committee is ready to have the first official meeting. Make a public announcement and invite everyone that you think will be interested.
1. At the first "Official" meeting, the first order of business is to adopt the Bylaws that you have drafted.
2. The second order of business is to elect termed officers.
3. Once your County Chapter has adopted Bylaws and elected officers, notify NJFDW with the officer’s contact information.