Welcome, NJ Democratic Women!
We are the New Jersey Federation of Democratic Women. We are the NJ State Chapter of the National Federation.
We are the New Jersey Federation of Democratic Women. We are the NJ State Chapter of the National Federation.
The New Jersey Federation of Democratic Women (NJFDW) is an organization of dedicated women committed to supporting each other and advancing Democratic political goals through networking, community activism, and engagement.
The NJFDW operates under the umbrella of the National Federation of Democratic Women.
The objective of the organization is to unite and promote women of the Democratic Party and to encourage full participation of women in every level of the Democratic party structure.
The NFDW currently holds one seat on the DNC Executive Committee and three seats on the DNC general committee.
Saturday, December 7 was SPECTACULAR!
Join us in JANUARY 2025
Big Easy of Downtown Trenton
111 S Warren St,
Trenton, NJ 08608
Saturday, January 25th
10:30 am – 1:00pm
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